DIY Kid’s Thanksgiving Table

October 31, 2021


DIY Kid’s Thanksgiving Table

Now that Halloween is over it is time to start thinking about Thanksgiving! I wanted to put together a kid’s Thanksgiving table that was cute, affordable and would keep Lola busy. 


I used brown craft table paper so she can use crayons and draw on it.

Table Placeholder:

A turkey leg made out of a brown paper sack and white paper. I put the crayons on the inside for a fun surprise for the kids. 


Homemade yarn pumpkins and turkeys made out of skewers, pompoms and crayons. 


Turkey craft that kids can work on during the day. 

There are other hidden gems to help thanksgiving dinner go as smoothly as possible. 


DIY Dinosaur Masks

October 3, 2021


For our third and final costume this year I wanted to do something that would work as a family costume. These dinosaur masks turned out so fun and even our dog got in on the action! They take a little bit more work but as you can see the final product is so fun. 

Supplies Needed: 

  • Single walled cardboard
  • Craft Blade
  • Black and White Texta 
  • Polystyrene ball
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun 
  • Blu-tac 
  • Paint 


  • I purchased the template off of It had great and detailed instructions. I will include the link below...

DIY Cotton Candy Halloween Costume


This is such a sweet costume! And so so easy! If you need something to throw together quickly before trick-or-treating or a family party this is perfect for you. 

Supplies Needed: 

  • Kids pink leotard 
  • Kids pink tights
  • Pillow fill 
  • Styrofoam square 
  • Hair clips 
  • Glue gun 
  • White Poster Board
  • Spray paint (I will add a photo below of the exact kind I used). 


  1. Take poly-fil out of bag and gently begin to pull apart, place on newspaper. 
  2. Spray top of the poly-fil until lightly covered.
  3. Let it dry for at least an hour. 
  4. Take sections of the poly-fil and glue them to your leotard. Continue the process until the leotard is covered. 
  5. Cut poster board into a cone. 
  6. Add poly-fil and poster board cone to styrofoam to create hat. I glued hair clips onto the bottom to attach to my toddlers head. You could also glue it to a headband. 
  7. Assemble your costume; add your tights, leotard and hat! 

DIY Piñata Halloween Costume


DIY Piñata Halloween Costume 

It's finally October which means it is time to start thinking about your Halloween costume! This year I wanted to be more involved in making Lola's costume and decided to try out a couple of ideas I had. I think the piñata is my favorite one yet! This costume is nice because it is made of felt which makes it super warm and comfortable. It also was affordable to make and fairy easy to put together. 

Supplies Needed: 

  • Different colors of felt (I used 12" x 9" pieces). 
  • Hot glue gun 
  • old outfit (I used an old long sleeve and pants). 
  • headband 
  • 2 styrofoam cones 
  • ribbon
  • scissors 
  • ruler 


  1. Start by cutting your pieces of felt into 3 strips. I measured it out and did them all about 3 inches in width. Stack those three pieces of cut felt and cut a slit close to the edge. 

2. Use glue gun to glue down felt onto pants and shirt going in whatever pattern you would like. As you go make sure you don't wrap it too tight so that the pants and shirt will still fit your child. 
3. Glue felt pieces onto the styrofoam cones and glue those onto the headband. I used ribbon to hang down to make it look more like a piñata.